DrBeen you are the most gracious person I know.

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Yes, he is

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An important question to answer - is a sequence found in venom (cobra?) also found in the sars-cov-2 genetic sequence. Is it correct to think that with all the sequencing of sars-cov-2 and all the research that has been done on venom that it would rather straight forward to make a detailed comparison?

If such a sequence is found then the obvious questions - natural vs lab recombination, and what part is it contributing in the process initiating the "allergic" type complication of covid that have been described.

early on in covid time, when I was downloading study after study and "searching" most of every day , I came upon 1 study stating that a sequence in sars-cov2 was identical to one in cobra venom. I may or may not have downloaded that study. shortly after I found an India study proposing to use a repurposed drug as an add on universal anti venom. then found a study proposing the use of that same drug for the treatment of covid. I have located these studies on a flash drive.

"The outworking of events." When 3 related events happen in close sequence I take note.

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Yes Sir!!!!

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more snake venom evidence - "An insertion unique to SARS-CoV-2 exhibits superantigenic character strengthened by recent mutations"


"The insertion PRRA together with the sequentially preceding seven amino acids and succeeding Arg (fully conserved among β-coronaviruses) have been pointed out to form a motif, Y674QTQTNSPRRAR685, homologous to that of neurotoxins from Ophiophagus (cobra) and Bungarus genera, as well as neurotoxin-like regions from three RABV strains (21) (Fig. 2C). We further noticed that the same segment bears close similarity to HIV-1 glycoprotein gp120 superantigenic motif F164-V164."

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Thank You Tracy C, James

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Thank You Dr Kory. from Dr Kory "there is indeed a short sequence of RNA coding for amino acids that make up a part of the receptor binding domain (RBD) portion of the spike protein that is identical to snake venom."...... "this protein sequence is just a small part of one protein of the 29 made made by SARS-CoV2 when it replicates. This does NOT mean the virus came from a snake but it does have a little snake venom protein in it. Why it is in there who knows, I suppose I can ask Fauci or Baric or Dazak or the Chinese Military the next time I run into one of them." https://pierrekory.substack.com/p/snake-venom-and-covid-19?s=r

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At this point, we should be investigating more thoroughly the effects of chlorine dioxide, methylene blue, and various anti-venoms. Seeing the disaster that Remdeathavir has wrought, and understanding the lack of research in other medications, it is all suspicious.

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Why can we believe without question that this virus comes from a bat but we can’t believe without question that there may be elements of snake peptides enzymes are proteins? The researchers have already told us that it seems as if this virus comes from a snake and not a bat. If the lab theory is correct, what would prevent the scientists for coding ANY toxin/venom/poison in this chimera? I am not willing to throw the snake venom theory out this quickly especially seeing that the majority of the deaths and injury from Covid are due to blood coagulation problems.

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Thank You Dr Kory. from Dr Kory "there is indeed a short sequence of RNA coding for amino acids that make up a part of the receptor binding domain (RBD) portion of the spike protein that is identical to snake venom."...... "this protein sequence is just a small part of one protein of the 29 made made by SARS-CoV2 when it replicates. This does NOT mean the virus came from a snake but it does have a little snake venom protein in it. Why it is in there who knows, I suppose I can ask Fauci or Baric or Dazak or the Chinese Military the next time I run into one of them." https://pierrekory.substack.com/p/snake-venom-and-covid-19?s=r

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I think people forget "bad actors" have been working on ways to safely and effectively kill people for years. I would be shocked if venom research still isn't being conducted in bio weapons research labs around the world.

I think Dr. Mobeen and other medical doctors working on understanding this pandemic and lockdown fiasco over this coronavirus are following the right trail. But that doesn't mean power (control) and profit hungry people in governments aren't cooking up the "next" 100 crises. They have probably never stopped with the lies and coverups.

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Ok. The Italians told Fauci that they were able to save five critically ill patients with Aggrastat or Tirofiban hydrochloride, which is an anti-venom. They saw a complete turnaround to health in less than two hours by administering this drug. Fauci never responded.

Why have we not investigated what the mechanism of action is that makes this anti venom so powerful? Why don’t we hear anything about the anti-venom story in the media? Why did antivenom work in the first place? There is a “there” there and the coincidences and similarities are too noticeable to throw this theory in the trash so quickly. To your point, let’s do some further tissue analysis and let’s understand if the spike protein does not contain partial sequences of peptides that code for venom. Why has everyone felt the need to respond and dissuade everyone from believing Dr. Ardis’s theory so quickly—in one week? Surely you all couldn’t have read every paper that Ardis cited? The attack on this theory seems odd….

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Good idea...if it isn't already abundantly clear from this article that the phospholipids are created in response to the infection, perhaps a discussion about the Itlalian study would help. I would hypothesize that it is because anti venom would work against the human phospholipids in exactly the same way as they work against snake venom phospholipids. I would bet my bottom dollar that Dr. Been has read every study Bryan Ardis offered and then some. It is a failing of mainstream media that they ignore stories like this. If they had, it would have been explained rationally, and we wouldn't be all in a tizzy now over a phenomenon that is poorly understood not only by the lay person, but by non specialist medical professionals!

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None of this is understood…by anyone. And how do we know that peptides not found yet are not the underlying cause for phospholipids? And another thing if anti-venom works against snake toxin phospholipids and human phospholipids, then why are we NOT using anti-venom to save lives. Why is the US continuing to allow thousands of people per day to die?

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..."If they had, it would have been explained rationally, and we wouldn't be all in a tizzy now over a phenomenon that is poorly understood not only by the lay person, but by non specialist medical professionals!" Open mind about needing further research but HEAVY BIAS on only a specialist can understand / research.

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more snake venom evidence - "An insertion unique to SARS-CoV-2 exhibits superantigenic character strengthened by recent mutations"


"The insertion PRRA together with the sequentially preceding seven amino acids and succeeding Arg (fully conserved among β-coronaviruses) have been pointed out to form a motif, Y674QTQTNSPRRAR685, homologous to that of neurotoxins from Ophiophagus (cobra) and Bungarus genera, as well as neurotoxin-like regions from three RABV strains (21) (Fig. 2C). We further noticed that the same segment bears close similarity to HIV-1 glycoprotein gp120 superantigenic motif F164-V164."

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P S the links (and more analysis) are from Walter M Chesnut from WMC Research <wmcresearch@substack.com

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