Wow! I wish I could have joined or just been able to listen in on this conversation. Such a great and pertinent topic with really good resources. Alas, missed it, but hope to explore these articles and studies in the days ahead.

Thanks Dr Been for being there for us!

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As a P.S., I just went for imaging today, sent by my wonderful functional medicine doc, specifically to check out calcium levels in my heart!

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My husband was sent by his G.P for calcium scoring. She said she was worried because his blood lipid levels have been too high for years. She said it would show that his arteries were hardening and he needed statins. The test came back showing that my husband's calcium score was nil. The G.Ps response was that he should start stains immediately to prevent future hardening of the arteries . Come hell or high water , to achieve compliance with public health directives she was intent on forcing him to take statins.

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Whenever I see the words "Risk Calculator", my stomach turns.

On the rare occasions that I risk seeing a doctor or nurse, they solemnly gaze at a computer screen, recite the questions before them & tap the answers onto a keyboard. If I interrupt & ask a few questions (e.g. ‘How have these things been shown to affect CVD risk?’ or ‘What has this got to do with my painful hip joint?’), I get a stony glare along with some reference to ‘authority’. In other words . . . no answer. Then they tell me I’ll be lucky to make it out of the building before I keel over with a heart attack - unless I start taking the statins that have repeatedly been recommended to me for many years.

The excellent Dr Been’s efforts here reminded me of Dr Malcolm Kendrick’s blog, where he has made similar points questioning the usefulness of these things. In going back over some of his posts, it reminded me how the medical industry has been going downhill for a long long, time – the covid jab racket is just the latest chapter. FYI here follow a few in reverse order. They might further inform Dr Been's discourse.






He hasn’t been posting much for the past couple of years because of a court case. Suing a newspaper in the UK is a very brave and expensive thing to do. Having just been awarded ‘a win’ in the first part of the judgement, he might be back anon . . . I would love to see him in discussion with Dr Been.

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