OutofStep, I have had extensive experience with "chronic Lyme." Dr. Been has been lecturing more and more on autoimmune disease. His lectures sound very familiar to the Lyme crowd. While supporting cell health is good, it does not solve the problem. Many in the neuroborreliosis community know that "killing protocols" don't work. The Lyme bacteria is gone but the autoimmune component remains. There is a proven method of restoring normal immunological tolerance called Low Dose Immunotherapy. My conjecture is that it reduces anti-idiotype antibodies. I would love to see Dr. Been critique that idea in light of LDI's success. BTW, I have been seeing more clients that have had COVID or vaccinations that triggered old autoimmune conditions.

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It seems like the vaccine can/does re-activate old viruses. My daughter's entire chin was covered in herpes sores after the booster and lots of pictures online of other girls same thing. Lots of cases of shingles too. I

Had Lyme, twice apparently. The doctor said lyme does not 'relapse.' Each time is a new case. Doxycycline worked for me

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I went to a meeting in my area for unvaxxed or vaccine injured. The doctor who was speaking has treated 8,000 patients and prescribes both ivermectin, HCQ, the Zelensky protocol as well as prednisone and antibiotics. She has had good results with 30 days of ivermectin for long covid and vaccine injured. The dose is based on your weight. She has partnered with compounding pharmacies that will fill the prescriptions. Several vaccine injured were there and one woman in particular said her arthritis went away. They have also had good results with ivermectin for Lyme disease. It truly is a miracle drug and Merck received a Nobel prize for wiping out River Blindness in Africa. It treats parasites and viruses. People take it now for lupus and other auto immune diseases. Doctors are still learning and, like Dr Robert Malone, have changed their minds and methods. Never give up!

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