Dear Supporting Beens,
One of the issues with Substack posts is that they get mixed up with administrative messages. To solve it, I have created an area on DrBeen.Com (does not require login or payment) where the articles about the chronic inflammation and various supplements are posted. Please review the beginning of this area at this link:
The benefit of this area is to collect health and supplement related topics at one place. I will run a poll to assess if you will like this link to be restricted to the supporters only. I feel it will be fair to restrict it to the supporters, but am open to your suggestions. Will be glad if your supported content is open to general public.
Please leave it open. It’s an important topic that will no doubt draw in more paying subscribers. (I’ve supported you 2 or 3 ways and cannot keep track. Glad to see your work cross my email here and there.) Thank you for all you do!
PS aren’t there another couple brain / tape worm videos pending?
Please keep such a resource open. You are an honorable man I know you will make a just decision.