Spike Protein in The Blood of Vaccinated
Study finds the amount of spike proteins in the blood of vaccinees is similar to the patients of acute COVID.
My video on this topic
Since the vaccines have been administered my curiosity has been the amount of spike protein that ends up in the blood and the duration for which it keeps spilling in the blood. A recent study that was focused on the immunity generated by vaccines and boosters as compared to natural infection has this information. Let’s review the data about the spike-proteins in the blood from this study.
Executive summary
Pfizer-BionTech vaccinated individuals showed the amount of spike-proteins in their blood that was similar or more than the amount of spike-proteins in the blood of an acute-COVID patients.
High levels of spike-proteins in the blood were observed for two days following the vaccination in 96% of the individuals.
Unanswered questions
What proportion of the spike-protein generated in the muscle went to the blood?
Are the vaccine injuries in part due to the spike-proteins in the blood, or auto-antibodies due to spike-proteins, or spike-protein and anti-spike-protein antibody complexes?
Peer reviewed, accepted, and published study. Exhaustive research by Stanford Pathology department researchers.
Researchers measured the amount of antibodies found in plasma and saliva as a result of vaccination or infection.
In this process the authors observed and documented something that is of interest to us. And, it is the amount of spike-proteins generated as a result of the vaccination that finds its way in the blood. They also measured the duration for which these spike proteins can be found in the blood.
Spike proteins in the lymph nodes
In the lymph nodes the spike protein is found up to 8 weeks after the vaccination.
Spike proteins in the blood
According to the authors, at least some portion of the antigen produced by the vaccine is distributed in the blood. What proportion from the whole volume is not known. However, the amount distributed to the blood is very similar to the amount observed after an acute COVID infection. (Authors mentioned a study that showed the amount of spike in the blood of acute COVID patients to be 70 pg/mL. [Link below.])
How long did the spike protein stay in the blood?
Days 1-2 after vaccine: 96% of the vaccinees had spike proteins in the plasma. Median spike concentration was 47 pg/mL. Levels reached as high as 174 pg/mL in some vaccinees.
Day 7 after vaccine: 63% of vaccinees had spike proteins in the plasma. Median spike concentration was 1.7 pg/mL.
21 Days after the booster: spike concentration was reduced in the plasma. Reason was that the previously trained immune system produced antibodies. These antibodies attached to the newly formed spike-proteins in the blood. Forming antigen-antibody complexes. This binding eliminates the chance for the spike-proteins to bind with the test kit. Hence, the test kit displays the results as no spike-proteins.
These antigen-antibody complexes can be dangerous in some people as these complexes can trigger type III hypersensitivity reactions. This in turn can lead to severe inflammatory reactions in the blood vessels and the tissues where blood-tissue-barriers are. For example blood-brain-barrier, blood-joint-barrier, kidney’s filtration barrier, etc.
Some of the diseases that can be caused by type III hypersensitivity reactions are:
Arthritis (join swelling, damage, and pain)
Vasculitis (blood vessel inflammation, damage, and malfunction.)
Glomerulonephritis (kidney damage.)
Authors researched about the lymph-node disruption, antibody responses, and more. We will discuss these topics in other videos and articles.
(Note: it will be interesting to observe the Figure 7 J, K, and L diagrams in the study.)
To be fair to the spirit of the study I am posting author's highlights
This study is to understand the effect of the booster dose. Authors concluded that the immunity generated by the vaccine is better than the immunity acquired by infection. (I believe there are many studies that show the opposite effect.)
Authors’ conclusions are:
Vaccination confers broader IgG binding of variant RBDs than SARS-CoV-2 infection
Imprinting from initial antigen exposures alters IgG responses to viral variants
Histology of mRNA vaccinee lymph nodes shows abundant GCs
Vaccine spike antigen and mRNA persist for weeks in lymph node GCs
Note: mRNA: messenger RNA, GC: germinal center (cell cluster in the lymph nodes.)
Participants (Cohorts for vaccinees, COVID infected, and the lymph node biopsies)
Stanford infection cohort 1: 530 plasma samples of confirmed COVID-19 patients who were moderate to severe.
Stanford infection cohort 2: 87 plasma samples of confirmed COVID-19 patients who were mostly mildly ill.
Mongolian vaccine cohort: 196 participants.
Healthy human control: 37 plasma and 20 saliva samples of prepandemic healthy individuals. (at the Sean N. Parker Center for Allergy & Asthma Research)
Lymph node samples from vaccinated individuals and from autopsies. Lymph node from women who were vaccinated and then had lymph node biopsies due to mammographic findings and routine clinical care.
7 lymph node biopsies after the second dose.
3 lymph node biopsies of the unvaccinated individuals.
7 lymph node samples from patients who died of COVID
Control lymph nodes from the persons who died in pre-pandemic time.
Stay safe and blessed
References and links
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Immune imprinting, breadth of variant recognition, and germinal center response in human SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination - ScienceDirect
PlumX - Immune imprinting, breadth of variant recognition, and germinal center response in human SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination
Immune imprinting, breadth of variant recognition, and germinal center response in human SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination: Cell
Ultra-Sensitive Serial Profiling of SARS-CoV-2 Antigens and Antibodies in Plasma to Understand Disease Progression in COVID-19 Patients with Severe Disease | Clinical Chemistry | Oxford Academic
Type III Hypersensitivity Reaction - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
First Class job, looking forward to your next one. Thanks for all you do for us.
Is the spike protein a mutagen?
Mutagens are chemical, biological or physical agents which affect gene expression. Changing the behavior of cells.
Mutagens are a broader class of substances which include carcinogens (cause cancers) and teratogens (lead to birth defects)
And can these effects explain the onset of long-covid (in natural infections) and also post vaccine induced long-haul syndrome?