Dear Kool Beens,
Wanted to share two important talks. One on weathering winter better, and the other one is to have a healthy life with slower aging (MNM is important.)
In my talk that I presented yesterday I discussed a new study that showed the benefits of keeping nose warm during the winter time - it can be a life savor for some/vulnerable.
1. There is new research from Harvard showing that the nasal immunity against pathogens drops by 50% due to the cold temperature knocking out extracellular vesicles. Fascinating find. I talked about it yesterday:
My talk on this study:
2. MNM and other age-reversing possibilities are around right now. Hear this talk from Sinclair who is leading the research on SIRTuins. Essentially there are three methods to reverse the age:
1. mTor switching.
2. AMPK switching.
3. SIRTuin modulation.
Note: antioxidants have not shown much promise.
Check in the video the mice that have been artificially aged or reverse aged.
Cold exposure impairs extracellular vesicle swarm–mediated nasal antiviral immunity - Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Cold exposure impairs extracellular vesicle swarm-mediated nasal antiviral immunity
MicroRNA Mimics or Inhibitors as Antiviral Therapeutic Approaches Against COVID-19 - PMC,or%20by%20enhancing%20the%20expression
Why colds and flu viruses are more common in winter | CNN
Well, the cold nose study results makes a lot of sense and certainly explains the uptick in respiratory issues in the cold weather!! Brilliant!
Sinclair's 'research' is not reproducible - and used inbred mice ... and the results were confounded by fluorescein dye . he also promotes Metformin - which has been debunked - metformin also blocks the benefits of exercise