Full-length, Free Spike Protein in the Blood
Children suffering from vaccine induced myocarditis
Vaccine Generated Spike in the Blood of Children
Full length, free spike protein circulated in the blood of children suffering from vaccine-induced myocarditis.
It seems that my discussions about the anti-idiotype antibodies may be the cause behind the free spikes in the blood. In short, the anti-idiotype antibodies bind to the neutralizing antibodies and mop them up. Result is that the neutralizing antibodies are not in sufficient quantities to bind to the spike protein.
Free spike protein in turn causes inflammation of the cardiovascular endothelial layers, and cardiac pericytes (cells surrounding and protecting the blood vessels.) Result is that the heart and blood vessels are inflamed.
Researchers observed full length spike protein in the blood for 3 weeks after vaccination.
Most common occurrence was in boys/males, while interestingly girls/females had similar concentrations of full length spike in the blood.
The monsters who did this KNEW of this possibility, and they need to go to jail. Cases that are non-clinical may eventually take years off a child's life. So shameful.
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